Thanks to all of you for your support regarding yesterday’s posts. We’ve both been under a lot of stress due to money, and with that stress comes fights. Like others, we don’t fight much, but when we do it tends to involve money. We’re both so run down from his job hunt and unexpected bills that it’s tough to be cheery sometimes. Your words of support really mean a lot to me.
So, to lighten the mood a bit, I’ve been tagged by Mrs. Fortune for another meme. So sit back and bask in the fluff of the meme!
The Three ______s on a Desert Island Meme
If you were stranded on a desert island (without Ginger and the Professor and all those folks to keep you amused), which three _____s would you bring?
1. Les Miserables – Maybe being stranded on a desert island would finally give me the motivation I need to get through the entire unabridged version.
2. Complete Works of Shakespeare – I’m one of the few in this world who enjoy Shakespeare. At least there won’t be anyone there to roll their eyes at me.
3. The Harry Potter series – OK, I’m cheating. But if they were all packaged in a nice boxed set that would count, right?
Movies (assuming you had some way to watch them)
1. Moulin Rouge – Hard to explain, but I love this movie. It’s quirky, the music is amazing, and it’s one long stream of sensory overload, which I love. Some people have trouble keeping up with it, but I don’t mind at all, because every time I watch it, I see something new that I missed in previous viewings.
2. Pride & Prejudice (the 6 hr. BBC version) – If I’ve got lots of time to spare, I’m bringing along LONG movies! Seriously, this has been one of my favorites for a long time, and I credit it to a brilliant director, who captured the elegance and morality of the period perfectly, and Colin Firth, because, well, he has those eyes that pierce your soul.
3. The Princess Bride – Who isn’t happy after watching this movie? And who isn’t quoting it for the next week? “ROUS’s? I don’t think they exist.” “Inconceivable!” “You keep saying that word. I donn-a think it means what you-a think it means.”
Albums (also assuming you had some way to listen to them)
1. Once on this Island – I’m stuck on an island, so I might as well get into the tropical mood with this upbeat Caribbean musical.
2. Evanescence: Fallen – For days when I feel like something rock-ish, this would fit the bill nicely.
3. Shakira: Laundry Service – Love that Latin beat!
People (And your spouse/partner and children are NOT eligible here, because that goes without saying. Or at least if it doesn’t, that’s your problem)
1. My mom, because she’s one person I can always have a conversation with at any time. We always have something to talk about.
2. My friend Carolyn, because even on a deserted island, we’d still find something to rant and/or rave about. “Did you see that hermit crab’s shell? Talk about a fashion disaster!”3. Steve from Blue’s Clues – Seriously, have you seen the guy’s personal web site? His FAQ alone is worth the read. He’s hilarious, and I think he would fit in so well with my group of friends. (Edit: I’m not saying he’s on my List of 5 or anything, just that he would be fun to hang out with. Read his site and tell me he doesn’t sound like fun.)
Once again, I shall be lazy in my tagging and simply say that if you are reading this and you found it interesting, you’re tagged!

I have Steve from Blue’s Clues CD, and he ROCKS…kinda hot too 🙂
Wow, I have learned more about you here than I thought I would!! STEVE? My husband has been mistaken for him more than one by passing children. “Hey, mommy, it’s Steve!” Especially if he wears a striped shirt. Haha. And you are SO cheating with the Shakespeare/Harry Potter thing but I’ll forgive you. And of course we knew you loved the Bard – um, Cordelia? Hello. As I’ve said before, she should be thankful you didn’t name her Goneril or Reagan. King Lear is my all time favorite.
Thanks for playing!!! I hope more people do this one, I’m having so much fun reading them.
I looove Moulin Rouge. Ewan McGregor was so damn cute in that movie. And The Princess Bride is a no brainer.
“Have fun storming the castle.”
Steve. Really? *pets your head*
LES MIS! YES. SHAKESPEARE! YES. Ehhhh on Harry Potter. I was into it for the first two and then lost interest.
Your movies are… okay. But I can’t watch Nicole Kidman so I’ve never seen Moulin Rouge.
Your music! YES! *shakes her butt like Shakira* or *attempt to shake her butt like Shakira, fails miserably and falls over laughing*
I’m thinking we should become friends.
Just minus Moulin Rouge. Mmkay?
cute meme and sorry about the arguements, I hate to argue and luckily for me, we don’t much but sometimes, you just need to vent some frustrations uh?
Christina: Everencense?? Woo hoo… I am with you, girl!I
need to check out Steve, for I never thought of him in a desert island sort of way…
Lotsa people like Shakespeare, methinks.
And the BBC Pride n Prejudice, yes, yes, WAAAAAY better than the recent movie.
The Princess Bride was one of my favorite books and I think the movie is equally good, which almost NEVER happens.
Holy crap, I checked out Steve’s site and it was pretty funny! I love Princess Bride too. One of my all time faves.
My name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die.
Gosh, I can’t believe I haven’t read Harry Potter yet. I think I’m the last one on the planet.
Great list!
I love Shakespeare too! I have the complete works!!! Yay!!! Wow. Steve from Blues Clues is kind of wierd? LOL.
I am a big Shakespeare geek actually. You are not alone. And Princess Bride … how could you NOT quote it? 🙂
But I’ll admit … you lost me at Steve from Blues Clues. The guy creeps me out just a bit – ha ha
I never really realized that Steve was actually maybe kind of a little cute… he always ticked me off so much on BC that I couldn’t sit still to see what his actual phiz looked like.
Of course, I’m a sucker for the nerdy weird type, so…
Hope your financial woes are over soon, BTW. I live in that land, and it’s just no fun. 🙁
Blue’s Clues will never be the same for me again…
I love your movie choices. Come What May from Moulin Rouge was our wedding song. And damn, your best friend has a GREAT name.
Great meme. I always loved Steve Burns, not in the “cute” way, he just always seemed like he’s probably an interesting guy and funny in real life.