It’s official: my daughter watches too much Wiggles.
Don’t get me wrong – I am thankful to the Wiggles. When Cordy was a cranky 5 month old (and 6 month old, and 7 month old…), the Wiggles were like an off switch for her crying fits. We could try 100 different ways to comfort her, and nothing would work, but when we turned on the Wiggles it was like she became a zen baby. Happy, joyful, at peace.
She didn’t watch a lot of TV back then, because nothing else had the mystical calming ability that those four guys from Australia had. Like nearly every parent, we tried the cult of Baby Einstein. However, our non-conformist wanted nothing to do with it. There were only two things that earned a glance at the TV: Wiggles and Cirque du Soleil. (Our musical, artsy child.)
Sure, many people hate the Wiggles. But I love them. Sure, some of their songs are unimaginative and stick in your head worse than William Hung singing She Bangs. However, I would happily listen to Wiggly Safari over and over again if it meant having a happy baby. And I have to admit, it’s sweet to see four men, three of them dads, take such an interest in children.
Luckily, her musical tastes have evolved as she has become a toddler. Sure, the Wiggles are still her first boy band crush, but now she also likes Laurie Berkner and other musicians.
So why have we reached a point where she has watched too much of the Wiggles? Because yesterday, after a very early morning wakeup by Cordy, I was laying on the couch while she watched Wiggles, and I started to drift off to sleep. I woke up to find Cordy on the couch, hovering over me.
Wan, too, feee…waaake oop mumaaay!
(For those who don’t watch, she was attempting to wake me up the way the Wiggles wake up their narcoleptic purple brother, Jeff: One, two, three, wake up Jeff!)
This morning, when Aaron got her out of bed, she ran into our room and did the same thing to me in bed. Wan, too, feee…waaake uup mumaaay! I could only laugh. She’s never said more than two words together, and now suddenly we have an entire sentence, thanks to Wiggles. It wasn’t the first sentence I was expecting from her.
And truthfully, I think I’m more surprised that she actually called me mommy.

It is very easy to OD on the Wiggles! I wrote a post a while back on how the cutest Wiggles is the guy with the blue shirt, I can’t remember his name. You gotta have something to look at!
Also, Lori Berkner’s ‘Wiggles & Swish” CD is awesome. I THINK its her first, written at a childrens hospital. Kids still sing songs from it after 5 years!
Oh how exciting! The first sentence! Here I was about to comment about the Wiggles and then you go and throw this in there. Way to go babygirl.
Wow…MOMMY! That is fabulous 🙂
I must admit I think Anthony from the Wiggles is a HOTTIE!
Becca loves Laurie too, however has never been a fan of the Wiggles dudes.
That is a cool first sentence! Congrats!
Yeah! First sentence!!! Now you get to look forward to the first talk back!
We’ve stayed away from the Wiggles. I don’t know if I am afraid of them or what.
Lori Berkner does rock.
Yay! She called you Mommy! How excited are you?
And even if it was the Wiggles who prompted her to speak her first sentence, she still spoke her first sentence.
Christina, I remember the first time I saw “The Wiggles” on the Today Show…I didn’t get it…then I had kids….-
that is waaay cool!
The Wiggles rock. You know you’ve seen too much when you start singing their songs when your child’s not even around. “toot toot chugga chugga” is a bit embarrassing at work.
Congrats on the chats!
We jam out to Laurie Berkner, too. I can’t help singing about Victor and Freddy and that darned spaghetti. Do you have the DVD? The DVD is really rockin’. It’s the one DVD we’ve watched with our son so far.
Congratulations!! Would you ever have thought that four geeky men would be the key to your daughter saying her first sentence!?
Btw, is it just me or does that the Red Guy look like Michael Douglas?
It’s official. Once they call you that, that’s your name. For life.
SOOO wonderful.
For us, it’s the Backyardigans. She will stop everything to watch them. Oh, and she loves BET- she’s big on hip hop. LOL.
Oh, yesterday we were in GapKids with my mom and Leah kept saying “What did you do?” and “Oh Crap” and “Oh Geeez.” Those are her new favorite sayings.
Wow! Who knew the Wiggles were good for something other than annoying the parents forced to watch them!
Congrats on the sentence and being called Mommy! Whoohoo!
That is just darling. I haven’t had the joy of hearing my son say a full sentence yet. He’s 20 months old and his favorite word is “puppy”. He says it everywhere. Well, that and “TRUCK!” and “Noooooo!” and “Dooooon’t”!
Wait, um, why do they have a narcoleptic brother? I have yet to be initiated into the wiggles cult, so please enlighten.
oh so funny! what a smart one!
i love laurie berkner, myself!
We have very recently been introduced to the Wiggles (or, Giggles, as my son says) and I’m afraid I’m falling in love. They just make the kids so happy!
Hooray for the first sentence! My son’s second word was Potatoe from the Wiggles “Hot Potatoe”. He held on to his Wiggles obession for more than two years…
I’m really, really debating becoming a no television household.
And I work for TV media.
Congratulations on being called Mommy! And the first sentence! Hooray!
I love the fact that you can be open about Cordy watching tv! There are so many trolls out there who think you are the worst parent in the world if your child watches tv. There is a HUGE different between letting your child watch a little tv while you get things done or to calm her down, than plopping your child in front of the tube all day while you drink a liter of vodka and pass out on the couch!
Squeaks loves The Wiggles and The Backyardigans. I don’t know what I would do without them!