
Single parents – I applaud you.

Seriously, how do you do it? What uppers are you taking to have enough energy? What deal did you make with the devil to have the ability to juggle it all? How can you keep it all together?

I’ve spent this past week as a temporary single mom, with several more weeks of part-time single mom-dom ahead of me. Tonight is opening night for the play that Aaron is directing as part of the Columbus Fringe Festival, so this past week has been spent in technical and dress rehearsals after he leaves work. As soon as this show is finished, he’ll be spending 3-4 nights a week in Cincinnati for stage combat classes.

This has left me both dropping Cordy off with family and picking her up after work. Aaron still gets up with her in the morning so they can have some time together, but instead of the daddy-daughter bedtime routine, she has to deal with only me.

The house is a wreck. Cordy is a wreck. I’m a wreck. At this moment I should be mopping the kitchen floor where there was a juice spill this morning. I don’t have the energy. Cordy has been acting strange the past few days, too: not eating much, sobbing uncontrollably when I leave her alone, and protesting bedtime. I think it’s partially because she misses her daddy.

I’m in no way blaming Aaron. Theatre is what he wants to do for his career, and he keeps the day job to keep us afloat financially. I encourage him to keep working in theatre, and I hope someday he’ll be able to drop the day job. But until then, we’re simply going to have to deal with some difficult situations, and times when we can’t do all we want to. It’s a small price to pay in order for him to find happiness in his career.

So for now the house will remain a mess, the checkbook unbalanced, and I will simply try to keep up with what needs to be done.

One more thing: tomorrow Aaron has a second interview for a job with the state. The job is a more interesting position, offers the chance to stretch his creative skills, and best of all, pays so much more than his current one. It would make life much easier for us. (Just so you know, I’m not talking about Lexus-driving, hired help, designer handbag easier. More like not living paycheck-to-paycheck, maybe buying a new used car, paying off the credit cards easier.)

Please send any positive thoughts you can spare our way in the hopes that the interview will lead to a job offer.

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  1. Keeping the faith for hubby getting the new fancy purse job! I’d love The Boyfriend to snag one of those kinds of jobs, LOL.

    Also keeping you in my thoughts for keeping it together while it’s just you and Cordy. I’m sure you’re right- that she just misses daddy- and I’m sure you do too- Mop up the juice when you’re good and ready. Or just leave it for Aaron. LOL.

  2. I hear ya, hon. When my dh leaves for business trips, it’s a totally different world around here! It can be NICE to have things all to myself, but man o man am I exhausted at the end of it! Get some sleep! The juice will still be there in the morning. Trust me…

  3. I totally understand the no daddy around. We were apart for 9 days, it was hard. Then I made my own routines up and my daughter & I really enjoyed ourselves! My husband hated the “new” stuff! However I survived on my own!

    Best of Luck to your husband tomorrow!

  4. Luck Luck Good Luck!

  5. I’m sorry, that is hard when you’re down a parent when that’s not the norm. Sending MANY good vibes and wishes for the new job! I really hope it works out for you guys.

    I think it’s really cool that Aaron is so active in following his theatre dream, and you are so supportive of that. You guys rock! :o)

  6. I did it the hard way for the first three years, and even now i’m still at times basically on my own. It was hard, but I focused on the positives..and there were some! Spending time with your children is more important than any juice spill mate. Some things can wait, some can’t, but some can!! Hope things get a little easier for you, and know that no matter what, you will survive!

  7. *Positive Thoughts for YOU*
    I hope your husband gets the job.
    My hat is off *waving* to single moms. It must be very difficult. My husband has a very demanding job that takes a lot of his time, and trips away from home. So, I SORT OF know what it would feel like to be a single parent. But, then I KNOW he is coming home,and I will get some relief, so I guess I don’t really know.Anyway, don’t sweat the messy house! 🙂

  8. Girl, take one day at a time. It is hard without help from Hubz. My Hubz went to computer school for 2 years 3 nights a week and I was home taking care of a 3 year old and a newborn. It is tough, but you will get through it!

    I am sending good vibes your way for the job situation 🙂

  9. If my husband has to work late, I flip out, I totally know I could NOT handle it. Good for you! This too shall pass…ack! What a saying!

  10. I know what you have been going through because I have been there and sort of still am even though I’m not a single mom. The hubs works and is a full time grad student so in the last year he hasn’t had a whole lot of extra time to spend with us. We have one more semester to go!
    Good luck to your hubby!

  11. No daddy at any time can be tragic for all parties involved. So sorry that you are doing it alone for the time being.

    Good luck to your husband and to your future!

  12. Good luck!!!!

    I am a third shift widow, so I sort of understand what you are going through. Dan works 60-70 hours a week. It does get hard. Just do what is necessary and remember it is only temporary.

  13. I don’t know how single moms do it, either. My husband often travels for work leaving me and Chicky to fend for ourselves. We survive and get a few things done, but not much else. Its funny that we often bust on our husbands for not pulling their weight around the house but as soon as they’re not around we realize how much they contribute.

    Good luck to Aaron on the possible new job.

  14. Christina_the_wench says

    Throw a paper towel over the spill and close your eyes to the mess.

    This worked for me. =)

    Poem of Thanks
    Lord, thank Thee for this sink of dirty dishes,
    We have plenty of food to eat.
    Thank Thee for this pile of dirty, stinky laundry,
    We have plenty of nice clothes to wear.
    And I would like to thank Thee, Lord, for those unmade beds in there,
    They were so warm and so comfortable last night.
    I know that many have no bed.
    My thanks to Thee, Lord, for this bathroom, complete with all the splattered
    mirrors, soggy, grimy towels and dirty lavatory,
    They are so convenient.
    Thank Thee for this finger smudged refrigerator that needs defrosting so badly.
    It has served us faithfully for many years.
    It is full of cold drinks and enough leftovers for two or three meals.
    Thank Thee, Lord, for this oven that absolutely must be cleaned today,
    It has baked so many things over the years.
    The whole family is grateful for that tall grass that needs mowing and the lawn
    that needs raking,
    We all enjoy the yard.
    Thank Thee, Lord, even for that slamming screen door,
    My kids are healthy and able to run and play.
    Lord, the presence of all these chores awaiting me says Thou hast richly blessed
    my family.
    I shall do them all cheerfully and I shall do them gratefully.
    And all the grateful parents say? AMEN!

    ~Author Unknown