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Early Morning

How do you explain to a 20 month old that bad dreams are not real? Cordy woke up screaming this morning at 5am. I ran into her room, thinking that perhaps her leg was caught between the crib rails, but she was in the middle of her crib, sitting up screaming. Once she saw me, she reached for me, and I scooped her up and sat down in the glider. She quieted down right away, so I think she just had a bad dream.

I’d like to say I managed to fight off the monsters in her head and get her back to sleep, but it didn’t happen. While she was perfectly calm in my arms, she was wide awake and didn’t appreciate any attempts to get her back to sleep. So we were up for the day at 5am, which is about 3 hours before I consider it to be a new day. Ugh.

To add to the fun, she seems to have picked up her friend’s head cold, and is sporting the oh-so fashionable toddler snotty nose today. So much for going out to get pictures taken.

As for me, I somehow picked up a stomach bug. Remember what happened with Cordy and her stomach bug two weeks ago? Apparently now I’m living the sequel, only unlike her, I have control of my bowels, so no sheets to wash. It’s an improvement at least.

So please forgive this lack of a real post. I wanted to be witty and thought-provoking or at least amusing for you all today, but the early morning wake-up combined with illness has zapped me of my creativity and higher brain functions. We’re spending the day quarantined inside the house, still in our pajamas at 2:30pm, even though it’s gorgeous outside.


Christina is a married mom of two daughters from Columbus, Ohio, and has been blogging at A Mommy Story since 2005.

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