How do you explain to a 20 month old that bad dreams are not real? Cordy woke up screaming this morning at 5am. I ran into her room, thinking that perhaps her leg was caught between the crib rails, but she was in the middle of her crib, sitting up screaming. Once she saw me, she reached for me, and I scooped her up and sat down in the glider. She quieted down right away, so I think she just had a bad dream.
I’d like to say I managed to fight off the monsters in her head and get her back to sleep, but it didn’t happen. While she was perfectly calm in my arms, she was wide awake and didn’t appreciate any attempts to get her back to sleep. So we were up for the day at 5am, which is about 3 hours before I consider it to be a new day. Ugh.
To add to the fun, she seems to have picked up her friend’s head cold, and is sporting the oh-so fashionable toddler snotty nose today. So much for going out to get pictures taken.
As for me, I somehow picked up a stomach bug. Remember what happened with Cordy and her stomach bug two weeks ago? Apparently now I’m living the sequel, only unlike her, I have control of my bowels, so no sheets to wash. It’s an improvement at least.
So please forgive this lack of a real post. I wanted to be witty and thought-provoking or at least amusing for you all today, but the early morning wake-up combined with illness has zapped me of my creativity and higher brain functions. We’re spending the day quarantined inside the house, still in our pajamas at 2:30pm, even though it’s gorgeous outside.

I know what you mean about dreams. My 8 year old has had night terrors since he was 3. It is sad to see them so scared.
Awwww I am so sorry you guys are under the weather! Feel better Momma! {{HUGS}}
Yuck. I hate when that happens to Leah. I feel helpless. She’s actually stopped because our pediatrician gave me some really helpful advice. Try your damndest not to go into the room. But, I do know what it’s like to wonder if the leg is stuck (I can’t believe they make the rails far enough apart for this to happen).
my 6 yr old comes in frequently to tell me he’s had a bad dream. he usually hasn’t, and i say, ‘go potty’ and he does. weird, huh?
bad dreams are the worst. so far my toddler hasn’t had any (yet, at least that I know of), but my 8 year old has had them most of his life, even at 1 and 2. I’ve always just sat and talked to him about fun things and distracted him. It usually worked.
Awww, snotty nosed are the worst. I always end up sans tissues and end up collecting snot on the sleeve of my shirt. At least it got you out of picture taking. I really can’t think of anything more painful to endure, including labor.
One of mine gets up at that time everyday…no luck to get them both to sleep later at the same time….ack!
Nightmares are horrible. Poor Cordy.
Hope you all feel better soon.
Well wishes to both of you – especially you! I know this goes without saying, but KEEP HYDRATED! I went to the hospital in an ambulance last year after passing out from dehydration after 4 days of diarrhea, which I got along with a virus I caught from Sweet Pea. Bleh. Gatorade is your friend.
Yuck!! I hope you feel better soon.
Nightmares? Poor Cordy. 5am and a stomach bug? Poor you.
I hope you get to sleep in to at least 6am tomorrow.
So sorry you are sick! It’s not fun, especially when the weather is nice! I thought that illnesses were for the winter months, but it seems like there are tons of bugs still going around. I hope you feel better soon!
Awww Thomas has had a few of those nights too recently. I wonder if it’s their minds in overdrive all day, playing trick on them at night? No idea though – hope it stops for both of us soon. And I sure hope you feel better.
Ah you must have caught it from us via internet!
Squeaks has the head cold, snotty, croup stuff going on and I had the stomach virus. Yuck.
Hope you both feel better soon!
Wow, I give you alot of credit, Christina. If I had a stomach bug, I’m not sure I’d have enough gumption to write! I hope you are all feeling better soon 🙂
Same here-on the cold and toddler butt front, I mean. Ug.
I didn’t know what toddler nightmares were until my son had one. He was standing up in his crib, just screaming. I think it was worse for me to see him so terrified!
Oh, I hope you feel better! And I spend most days inside in my pj’s and nobody here is sick, so don’t feel bad.
Feel better, mama 🙂
(as for nightmares, mine used to have them sometimes, too, but she never remembered any of it the next day)
ummm….I think your baby looks really similar to mine! Only mine has dark hair and is younger. Weird. Maybe you won’t think there’s any resemblance, there’s a link to my girl’s site from my site, check it out.
My son woke up screaming this morning at 2:30 and then again at 6:30, and I got up feeling like “This can’t be normal, obviously there’s something wrong with my child” – and then I read your post. So good to know I’m not alone.
And can I say, I love the name Cordelia (is that a real name or an Internet pseudonym? – either way, I love it). When you can get an Anne of Green Gables reference AND a Buffy the Vampire Slayer reference all in one, it’s a good thing!