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Digging for Buried Treasure

“Where go?”

“Where go?”



The one-sided conversation above takes place roughly 100 times a day at our house. It involves Cordy taking some object, sticking it down in between the cushions of the couch, and then playing the “Where’d it go?” game. Adult participation is encouraged, but not required. If we don’t play along, she’ll just keep going as if she had an audience. Finally she’ll pull it out of the couch and happily exclaim “Der-is!”

This advanced toddler version of peek-a-boo is leading to a very uncomfortable couch, as well as several missing items. Because while she often enjoys revealing what she just hid in the deep recesses of the sofa, there are other times she loses interest after placing an object out of sight.

After a long game of “Where’d it go?” this morning, I decided it was once again time to empty out the couch. The contents?

– Two sample packs of Pampers wipes
– One of Aaron’s shirts
– A pen that has a bubble wand on the other end
– A page of a book, ripped out by Cordy
– Two wooden blocks
– A hairbrush
– A GameBoy cartridge
– A bill from our HOA (whoops! Gotta pay that one!)
– Two pieces of junk mail
– One long-lost sippy cup (ugh, sour milk!)
– Swiper (no swiping!)
– One shoe (the other nowhere to be found)
– One dishtowel
– Six cheerios
– One goldfish cracker
– One cat toy
– The Tivo remote
– Three Little People and one Little People car
– One plastic carrot

Yes, seriously. The kid was on a roll today. I felt like I was doing an archeological dig through our sofa.

I guess it takes a child to show us that objects can have more uses other than that which they are designed for. For Cordelia, the sofa is a cushy purple repository for all the crap she doesn’t feel like looking at for the moment.

I’m ready to dig, lady.


Christina is a married mom of two daughters from Columbus, Ohio, and has been blogging at A Mommy Story since 2005.

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