The Random Post

So I was looking at BlogHer‘s conference information yesterday, dreaming of the opportunity to go, and for the first time noticed there is a student price. Wait, I’m a student! And $52.03 is a lot more do-able than $258.97!

Oh, BlogHer, you’re making it far more difficult for me to resist your siren call. But I still must somehow justify a $350 plane ticket and $75 a night hotel stay to my husband and to our budget. The student price puts it into the realm of possibility instead of just dreaming, though,.

Oh, the temptation!


Cordelia has picked up a new behavior. Now, when she falls but isn’t really hurt or I scold her for something she’s done wrong, she fakes being upset.

Today she made a move at biting my arm, but bit only my shirt. I gave her a stern “No bite!” and pulled my arm away from her. She then scrunched up her face as if to cry, put one hand up to her left eye and poked herself in the eye to produce a tear, and made half-hearted “Wa-haa. Wa-haa.” sounds, all the while peeking between her fingers for my reaction.

If you have never encountered something like this, let me tell you: it is damn hard not to burst into laughter when your child is putting on a melodramatic act like this. I fought off the smirk and just watched her act. After about 10 seconds, she realized I wasn’t buying it, and smiled at me and started babbling something happy. Whew.


Thank you to those who commented on the post about my father. It was good to get it out, and I’m sure eventually I’ll talk more about him. I appreciate the advice – my relationship with him is dependent on his actions. If he starts to regress back to the way he was, I will not hesitate to break off contact, in order to protect Cordy. So thanks again – I had no idea so many people have problems with family members in their lives.


To end this post on a lighter note, new pictures of the little princess:

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  1. OH Blogher. I am SO going next year 🙂

    My kids STILL do the fake cry. It’s just what kids do I guess. Wish I could do that 🙂

  2. What a cutie!

  3. May I just say…

    Come to blogher. Come to blogher. Come to blogher. Come to blogher. Come to blogher.

    That is all.

  4. Thanks for Wednesday’s post – and for the advice you left on my blog. Sorry for the tardy comment but…

    I have to agree with gry, people can be different as grandparents than they were as parents. My maternal grandfather was great to me, not so great to my mother.You ARE being very unselfish by putting your own feelings toward your dad aside and giving him a chance to prove himself to your daughter. That takes generosity and maturity and is a total demonstration of your uncondittional love and support for your daughter. If your father does manage to prove himself, it is your daughter who will win, and if he fails, as he failed you, then at least you will have the peace of mind knowing that you tried.

  5. Sounds like she is well on her way to being the perfect teen. Watch out boys, she has tears and she knows how to use them!

  6. Funny, that “No bite” thing is how I train dogs not to nip. Next up, crate training for babies!

    Cordy sounds like quite an actress. Her dad must be so proud.

    Btw, Looove the Hanna Andersson outfit. So that is what it looks like on a real-life cutie pie.

  7. That’s funny about the faking – my dog fake pees, because she knows that she can come back inside if she does it. Especially if it’s raining or the weather is otherwise uncomfortable for her royal highness. I’d love to see video of Cordy doing this. 🙂

  8. I LOVE your daughter’s outfit in those pics. So cute.
    I hope you go to Blogher. I am going!

  9. Aww what a cutie pie!!!

  10. Zoe does the faking thing too – I just tell her she can do much better than that and to let me know when she’s serious!! Another one of her favorites is how badly something is hurt – so we deal with the little scratch that is so tiny we’re having trouble seeing it by telling her that from her reaction it’s so bad we will have to remove the limb it’s on…never fails to suddenly decrease pain level!

  11. (dude it would SO rock if you went to BlogHer….My darling H just surprised me with my registration today…I wanna hang with you!)

    My God. Cordy gets cuter every time you post a picture of her…even if she is a bit of a drama queenie…LOL