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The List of 5

(This post was so inspired by Kristen’s post about Aidan at Motherhood Uncensored. Nothing like spending the day thinking of hot guys. Thanks for making my day go faster, Kristen!)

Does anyone else out there have a List of 5 with their significant other?

What is this List of 5 you speak of?

The List of 5 is your personal list of celebrities that, if given the chance, you’d have sex with without a second thought. Even though you’re married or partnered, if one of these people happened to be in the same place as you, and they were totally into you, you’d have complete and total permission from your S.O. to stray for just that one night.

The rules are simple. The List of 5 may be anyone that you don’t know. Naturally, celebrities, musicians, and sports stars tend to be the picks. The guy down the street is right out. Your S.O. has to be OK with everyone on the list – no wanting to get down and dirty with KFed (as if) if your S.O. can’t stand him.

The list can also evolve and change as your tastes change. Sure, Billy Joel was a good lookin’ guy when he was younger, but now? Eh, I’ll pass.

My current List of 5? Here’s the guys I was pondering this afternoon, in reverse order:

5. Heath Ledger – Oh yeah, he’s a cutie. I don’t care that he has put on a little sympathetic weight gain from his girlfriend’s pregnancy. He’s still a hottie, and has been ever since I first saw him in a little-known TV series called Roar. Back then the hair was more blonde and he was young and skinny. Just my type at the time.

Since then, he’s evolved and changed quite a bit, and lucky for me, he’s changed right along with my tastes. Yeah, he’s a stay at home dad now, so if you’re feeling bored, Heath, look me up!

4. Cillian Murphy – This guy is fairly new to me. I first saw him in Batman Begins. Dark hair, pale skin, and those eyes. Oh, those eyes! It’s like he can see right through me, right into me.

With the right stare from him, I’d give in and do anything he asked as I melted into a pool at his feet. Slightly creepy goth guys are so cute to me. Sure, go ahead and call me weird, but if I wasn’t ever into slightly goth guys, I probably never would have married my husband.

3. Johnny Depp – Quirky, shy, and such a bad boy. I can’t decide if I love his movies because I find him so good looking or if I find him so good looking because I love his movies. Either way, he’s smack in the middle at #3.

I prefer him when his hair is grown out a bit, and without a mustache. Although even his Jack Sparrow character has some charm to him.

I don’t think Aaron would ever have to worry about me running away with Johnny. He’s just a little too strange at times for me. But a one night stand? Hell yeah!

2. Colin Firth – Mr. Darcy himself is near the top of my list. Again, it’s all in the eyes. His aren’t creepy and piercing like Mr. Murphy’s up there, but more smoldering and wistful. And then there’s that softly curled, gently tousled hair that I want to run my fingers through.

I’m pretty sure he’s one of the major reasons I love Pride & Prejudice so much, and why I will drag anyone who even mentions a passing interest in the story over to watch the entire 6 hour series. Colin taught me what it means to swoon.

And (drumroll please)….my number one pick is:

1. Gerard Butler – Dear GOD, this man is hot! I first fell for him when I happened to pass by the TV series Attila. As I was flipping channels, I saw him, and stopped to marvel. At that point, I watched the entire series. Twice. At least. And not because I’m a history buff.

The funny thing is that people have told me that Gerard Butler as Attila and Aaron share a bit of a resemblance. Both have the very dark brown hair, the beard, the dark skin, and the pale eyes. So maybe Aaron should consider that I’m only lusting after a slightly more famous version of himself?

After Attila, I found out that I had seen this gorgeous man in other movies and just not known it. Reign of Fire. Timeline. Dracula 2000 (shut up, I liked it). Tomb Raider 2 (oh wait, I never saw that one).

And then he was cast in Phantom of the Opera. He’s sexy, has a Scottish accent, and he can sing? Ding ding ding! We have a winner! I love my husband with all of my heart, but if given the opportunity to shack up with Gerard for a night, you’d better believe I will.

OK, I’ve listed my 5. Now it’s your turn. Who’s on your List of 5?

PS – Since I’m sure my husband is reading this post and rolling his eyes, I’ll help him out a little. I’d like to take this opportunity to also mention that I have sucked Aaron into blogging, and invite those of you (or, more likely, your husbands) who like comic books and superheroes to check out Underneath the Mask.


Christina is a married mom of two daughters from Columbus, Ohio, and has been blogging at A Mommy Story since 2005.

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