
Mrs. Fortune asked to see video of Cordelia throwing one of her “fake” tantrums that I wrote about yesterday. Well, we caught a mini-tantrum on video last night.

I now present to you the proof of Cordelia’s acting talents:

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  1. O.M.G. TOO funny!

    Get that kid an agent!

  2. Hi. I got here from Underneath the Mask. Your baby is so cute. Ah, she is adorable.

  3. Aaaaand the Oscar goes to……..Cordelia!!! Ha Ha…so cute.

  4. Oh how I remember those days. She is so cute no matter WHAT mood she is in 🙂

  5. That is so very funny. I could eat her up. She is so ready for the big screen!!!

  6. Standing Ovation!! Who knew a tantrum in the making could be so darn cute?

  7. How sweet! If only all tantrums played out like that!

  8. hehe how do you not laugh when she does that!!! Love the drama queen!

  9. Oh my. that was priceless!!! I laughed, I cried, it was better than “Cats”! You could kinda tell her heart wasn’t in it, and the minute she realized it wasn’t gonna work she was like, aah… not worth the effort. Thank you!!

  10. Watch out De Niro, here comes Cordelia.