Our New Addition

The new addition to our family arrived yesterday. It’s so cute, it doesn’t take up much space, and it works so hard to please us. Yes, dear readers, we’ve succumbed to Tivo. After lots of thought, we decided to cut out some other luxuries to afford this one. We got the DVR for free, so we only have to pay the monthly service fee. Rock on.

After the hellish set-up (including driving all over town to find a damn USB-Ethernet cable), we can now sit back in awe and enjoy the control we now have over live TV. It’s not quite all I hoped it would be: it doesn’t record two programs at once, and you can’t watch another live TV program if it’s recording a different one. But other than that, it’s lovely.

So, Tivo users, I ask you: what should I know to maximize my Tivo enjoyment? Please share your tips!


Aside from worshipping the Tivo, we did have an active day. We went to the park, we went out to lunch, and I studied and took an exam for my Developmental Psychology class. (I aced the test.) Oh, and I found out one exciting bit of news today:


Thanks and praise to Queen of Spain for sponsoring me! Now go visit her and join in the campaign against Fred Meyer grocery.

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  1. sorry no tivo here…then again we just bought one cell phone!! lol and no we are not amish 😛

    Congrats on Blogher!

  2. ok, i loooove tivo!

    i tivo the nonannoying kids shows so i never have to watch roley poley olie or whatever it’s called. (i like cliffords puppy days and little einsteins, so that’s what gets tivoed. and no, i didn’t ask the kids first.) i tivo allstar workouts, too, for me, and loads of reality crap! enjoy!!

  3. You need a spitter: one goes to the T.V, and the other to the TiVo. That way, you can watch live tv while you are watching another show.

    Nope, you can’t program two shows at the same times. Yup, it sucks.

    Make sure you set up your season passes so that they don’t pick up reruns (unless you are TiVoing reruns). Also, make sure the priority of your Season Passes are set right. If you and your husband have conflicting shows, you’ll want ot let TiVo know that your shows always take precedence.

    As you can see, I can go on and on about TiVo.


  4. I meant splitter. Really.

  5. We got the tivo with the double thingy and the double somethingy or another. And I can program two shows at once.

    I don’t know how we lived before TIVO. I wish I were kidding, but I’m not.

    It rules.

  6. Congrats on TIVO and Blogher!!! Woo Hoo. One lucky woman – I am super jealous 🙂

  7. Hooray! You got TiVo! Watch out, its addicting… soon you’ll be trying to pause and rewind everything. I do the same thing as HolyMama, I record certain kids shows to pull out at opportune moments.

    I’m very excited that you’re going to BlogHer. Enjoy!

  8. Hi, Christina! We’re practically sisters now.

    We’re going to BlogHer.
    We worship at the Queen of Spain.
    We’re both in education.
    We both have TiVo.

    Nope. I made up that last one. I don’t have TiVo. I can’t. Only allowed SO many addictions so it will have to wait a while. Soon as I’m off that crack pipe, though, that TiVo is MINE.

  9. Hello! Just read your posting on the Queen of Spain’s site and enjoyed it so much that I thought I’d pop over to have a look at your blog – great stuff, I’ll be back! (Do you mind i I put a link to you on my own one?)

  10. Hi there, Just read your post over at the Queen of Spain’s site and enjoyed it so much that I had to come on over and check out your own blog. Great stuff – I’ll be visiting again!

  11. Congrats on going to BLOGHER!! That is great. When they move it over to the East Coast I am so there!

    Enjoy that DVR. I don’t know what I would do without mine. One of my favorite features is being able to pause live TV. Let’s just say you are watching your favorite show, and Cordy needs you for something, just press the pause button, take care of her, then go back and push play and go right back to where you were. WOO HOO!

  12. Oh cuss.

    We had to give up our DVR when we moved into our first house and the cable here is teh suck. *pouts* It was a joy while pregnant; I recorded absolutely everything possible so that I could watch it during my insomniatic hours.

    Now, I forget to watch shows. Miss them all together. And cuss a lot.

  13. TIVO!! all hail the wonderful realm of TIVO. I can’t tell you how my life is changed. Yes… sad but true.. I live life much differently now. Not bound by racing around to watch my favorite shows. I can answer the phone, rock a baby, read a book, all with my shows paused or recording for my selfish viewing later.
    Right now it is 1:00 on Saturday afternoon.. and I am watching an Oprah from Thursday… is that cool or what???

  14. if you get the splitter or router thingy youc an record 2 shows at once or tape one show & watch another. Totally worth it.

    I have had Tivo for 4 years now and I soooooo love it.

  15. Hurray for Queen of Spain!

    Now we can make Shy Girl Corner official. And apparently, there’ll be t-shirts.

  16. We dont have tivo yet. I dont watch enough tv to have it! The hubs wants it though but I dont know why since he doesnt watch tv either except for the history channel and national geographic channel.

    Congrats on being able to go to BlogHer. I’m not going. Maybe next year if its brought to the East Coast. Aside from no time, I’m not sure I could handle another plane ride to the west coast.

  17. Oooh, TiVO. I wish I had it. Sadly, it is one luxury I’m disallowing myself. Paying $120 month for cable/high speed internet is quite enough for me, thank you!

    Go you – about the blogher thing!

  18. You’re going? Yayyyyyyy!!!!!!!!