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Meme Sweet Meme

I was double teamed and tagged by both Sandra and Emily for this little meme. Had it been one, I might have been able to fight it off, but two tags? I can’t resist.

So, I shall join the crowd and present to you six weird facts/things/habits about myself, then suck six more people into the game. Sing it with me – this is the meme that nev-er ends, it just goes on and on my friends…

Six Things To Use Against Me Someday:

1. I’m more than a little obsessed with death. Not in a “want to die” kind of way – I just find the whole process interesting. Had I really discovered who I really was earlier in life, I probably would have gone into forensic science.

2. I am a life-long nail-picker. My nails are short, ragged, and ugly, and always have been. While some people bite their nails, I pick at them and peel them away. It’s a nervous habit that I’ve tried to break (it was even one of my resolutions this year), but I have yet to succeed for more than a month. Sometimes I don’t even realize I’m doing it.

3. I can’t whistle. Not at all. I’ve tried and tried, but I can’t get a single steady note out. Put your lips together and blow? Yeah, right, not for me. I am whistle deficient.

4. For genetics geeks: in high school biology class, we learned that everyone has unattached or attached earlobes. One or the other. (I don’t remember which one is dominant and which is a recessive gene.) While learning who had what trait in class, we discovered that I am a freak of nature, for I have one attached earlobe, and one unattached earlobe. That didn’t help with my teenage awkwardness. At all.

5. My first boyfriend is now gay, my second boyfriend is thought to be gay. I’ve had great luck in falling for gay guys. In college I had a gay friend with the same taste in men. We had a pact: when we’d both go for a guy, whichever way he swung, that person got him, and the other would be happy for them. Let’s just say I spent most of those years without a date.

6. I worked at the Ohio Renaissance Festival as a costumed performer for 10 years. Many of the friends I have today I met there, and I met my husband there also. I was a member of the Queen’s Court, meaning my character was in the rich upper-class nobility, which meant I wore a corset under 35 pound velvet, jeweled dresses on 90 degree days. I spoke with a British accent, knew my history of the period in and out, and spent those weekends behaving as a proper 16th century lady. I was also the understudy for Queen Elizabeth.

Yes, I was totally insane, and I loved it. Aaron still performs his stage act (with his partner) for smaller renaissance faires, and has two shows coming up in the next month.

There you have it: weirder than Martha Stewart, but far more normal than Tom Cruise.

And now, to tag six more victims lucky participants.

1. Carrcakes
2. Life with Aveline
3. Mommy Does it All
4. Motherhood Uncensored
5. Queen of Spain
6. Red Stapler

The Rules (aka the Fine Print):
1. Reveal six weird facts/things/habits about yourself and then tag six people

2. Leave a “You’re Tagged!” comment to let the people you have tagged know they have to reveal six things. (Because they obviously are people who don’t read your blog.)

3. Leave me a comment letting me know that you have completed your mission (if you have chosen to accept it!)


Christina is a married mom of two daughters from Columbus, Ohio, and has been blogging at A Mommy Story since 2005.

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