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Today’s Emotional Wheel of Fortune

My mind is all over the place this morning. No coherent post today, but here’s several bits ‘n pieces I’m thinking about:

First, I found out something last night that made me absolutely crazy happy. My cousin and his wife just found out that they were matched up with a baby from China! She’s 7 months old and simply adorable. May I present to all of you Mia Claudia:

I can’t even begin to express how excited I am for them. They’ve been trying to adopt for about two years now. They had tried adopting a child from the Ukraine before, but due to a very bad adoption program, came home from the Ukraine empty handed. Now they have been matched with Mia, and will be traveling to get her in late April or early May. They’re fabulous people and deserve all the happiness that can come to them. I know they’ll be great parents! My only sadness is that they live several states away, so I won’t get to kiss those chubby cheeks nearly often enough! Congrats Rod and Debbie!!


Next, my thoughts are with one of my cats today. Sure, laugh all you want, but our cats are pretty much family to us. Kit Marlowe (our seal point Siamese) was dropped off at the vet’s this morning to be neutered.

While normally a simple procedure, his will be more difficult. Only one of his, uh, “boys” descended, so they will have to remove the other one from his abdominal cavity. He’ll be kept on pain meds all day, and be allowed to come home sometime tomorrow.

I’ve been nervous about kitty surgeries since my previous seal point passed away suddenly after a surgery for a urinary blockage. I know my kitten is in good hands, but I’ll still worry. I’ll be waiting by the phone all day to hear how his surgery went.


Finally, I had my mid-year review yesterday at work, and I was less than thrilled with it. My review primarily focused on something one staff member said. A staff member said that I didn’t provide “as high a level of customer service” as they did at the other campus.

Based on this single person’s comments, about nothing specific, I was told I need to find ways to be more helpful and I need to keep a written log of what I actually do, so they don’t think I’m doing nothing all day. No other advisor has to prove that they are working. But I have to do this, despite the fact that all of my students are thrilled with the help I provide, and not one has had a single complaint. And that staff person is rarely at the campus I work at – I see her once every week or two.

Needless to say, I’m a wee bit pissed off about this. I like what I do, and I like helping students, but if we didn’t need the money, I’d certainly quit this job. My toddler boss at home may not realize or appreciate how much I work for her, but the rewards of her laugh and smile are far better than any money I could earn.


So there you go. Today I’m crazy happy, anxious, and a wee bit pissed off, all at once. Aren’t emotions fun?


Christina is a married mom of two daughters from Columbus, Ohio, and has been blogging at A Mommy Story since 2005.

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