I don’t think I can put together one coherent post today, so here’s a few snippets for you:
** I’m currently getting over the stomach flu. Exciting, eh? I thought I was invincible when I saw everyone else in the blogosphere sick last week, but apparently germs can travel through the internet, and here I am, home from work sipping chicken noodle soup and praying for it to stay down. (Oh, and as for the Hippo Diet? I think this stomach flu may help me give SlushTurtle a run for her money. Give me a tapeworm next and I’m a winner for sure!)
** Incidentally, yesterday I realized I was very sick while at work in the middle of an appointment with a student. Nothing like discussing the university with a new student, then being overcome with that hot wave of nausea. I had to excuse myself in the middle of the appt. to keep from throwing up in front of her. Not a great first impression of the university, is it? I somehow think she’ll never want to meet with me again. (I went home after that appointment.)
** My baby is 18 months old today! It’s hard for me to believe that she’s a year and a half old. I’d write a sappy letter to her here to celebrate, but I don’t think writing about her new talents of throwing one hell of a tantrum and her return to biting would be much to be proud of. She’s been Miss Attitude the past few days, and it hasn’t been pleasant to be around. Oh God, the terrible twos are here early, aren’t they?
** Speaking of terrible twos, how is it that Cordelia can be a little princess around large groups of people she’s barely met, charming every single one of them, and then revert right back to toddler monster as soon as its just us? Biting is reserved for me, and sometimes daddy. Large tantrums are just for us as well. I think she saves up all of her negative emotions throughout the day and unleashes it on us when we’re alone.
** Some were asking about Marlowe, the kitty who had surgery. He’s doing well, and will go back in another week for a testosterone check. If he’s clean, then no more surgery. If he’s not, more exploratory surgery to come. I hope for him (and our credit card) that he’s clean.
** Thanks to everyone for the shoe recommendations. We’re going to check out Clarks and Land’s End. We already have a pair of Preschoolians that fit her very well. And we love Robeez also, but now that she’s running we needed something with a little more support to it.
** For those surfing here through BlogMad‘s double credit day, I say “Hello!” Please don’t judge my humble blog off of this post. I’m nowhere near my A game today, thanks to lack of food, dehydration, and that pesky virus causing it. This is more like my F game. Oh, and if you’d like to join Blogmad, drop me an e-mail and I’ll send you an invite.
So that’s all I’ve got right now. I hope to be writing only semi-boring posts again soon for all of my readers. If you’re still here, that is.

Oh, the kiddos save all of the pent up anger just for us. Others can say, “Aww your kids are so sweet.” But just about 5 minutes before that, they were acting like little hellions.
Hope you feel better soon 🙂
Well, at least everyone else will say, wow, Christina’s kids are soooo well behaved, how DOES she do it? And isn’t that what it’s all about, anyway? 🙂
Hope you feel better.
Oh yes, my 3 year old saves it all for me. His teacher professes him to be “the best kid in the class” while I go to bed in tears most nights…
about the preschoolians….I just had to see if you knew about them so I could share the word if you didn’t…we love ’em
we had the dreaded the stomach bug here too….I usually get it both coming and going here…the first kid and the last kid or my husband which ever one is the last to get it…
Jerri Ann
[email protected]
Havent you heard? Its not the terrible twos anymore…its the terrible threes so you have about a year and a half left. My baby is two and everyone tells me if I think its hard now wait till she is three. No thanks.
Found you through Blog Mad. It’s no fun being sick–especially when dealing with a little one! Hang in there.
After reading several of your entries, I decided to add you to my favorites. As a fellow mommy, I understand what you’re going through.
Cute baby, hope you feel better soon! My 2 year old is hanging on me now and making it hard to earn my blogmad double credits!
You know something? I love the mish mashed posts that have a little of everything!! Hope your feeling better soon, I had the vomiting and sleepiness yesterday….not cool….
hope you feel better soon!!
As for the toddler behaviour, ours is the same..everyone says what a sweet great kid she is…and she is really, but some days….Phew!
Hope you feel better soon. Sickness sucks! Okay, that wasn’t eloquent, but it gets to the heart of the matter.
Bummer! Hope you didn’t catch it from me. I swear I washed my hands before I got online. Feel better soon 🙂