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Pint-Sized TV Critic

Damn you, Noggin. Just when we had an afternoon routine, you go and change it. At 4:30, Jack’s Big Music Show is normally on. While I try to limit afternoon TV to emergency only (like when I need a trip to the bathroom, or need to switch the laundry, or when dealing with a major grumpy child), we do tend to watch Jack’s Big Music Show each day.

Cordelia has shown a strong preference to music since she was very little, and we’ve been encouraging it because, well, her daddy’s an actor, and we encourage all things artsy. Jack’s Big Music Show has a wide variety of music types, and showcases some off-beat children’s performers. It’s through this show that we found Laurie Berkner, who comes in at close second to Cordy’s first boy band obsession, the Wiggles.

Anyway, we turned on Noggin, and Cordy spent the first few moments watching Moose in-between shows (she loves that moose, too). Then suddenly the Backyardigans came on. I was a little surprised, but Cordy seemed interested in the opening song, so I left it on.

Not 5 minutes later, Cordy was walking around the living room, hunting for a particular object. She eyed me on the couch, then got that “ah-ha!” look on her face, and ran to the couch. She reached past me and grabbed the remote control, then placed it in my hand.

I did my usual “oh, thank you so much!” routine for when she hands me objects, then set it aside. But she picked it up again, turned my hand palm up, and put the remote in my hand again. Being the dense mommy that I am, I said, “what do you want me to do?

Cordy, giving me her best “duh, mom!” eye roll along with a big sigh, walked towards the TV and then looked back at the remote.

Message received, little one. Apparently the Backyardigans is not to your liking, and you want me to change the channel. I switched it to Disney West, which had JoJo on, and she sat down, content with the new program.

My child, the critic. Hey Noggin, save me some grief here – don’t change the programming!

Oh, wait. Jack’s Big Music Show is now on at 5pm. Alright, off to watch the show.


Christina is a married mom of two daughters from Columbus, Ohio, and has been blogging at A Mommy Story since 2005.

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