I am unashamed to admit that I watch Nanny 911. Yes, it’s reality trash TV, and I love every minute of it.
I could tell you that I watch it for the parenting tips, so that I can learn their techniques to become a better parent myself. Oh, I could tell you that. But it’s not the truth.
Truth is, I watch it to remind myself that I’m not the worst parent in the world. I feel so much better about my parenting skills after just one episode of Nanny 911. How can you not think you’re not too bad of a parent after watching the people on this show? If Aaron’s home, it’s even worse, because we watch in horror and then say to each other, “Can you believe that? We would never do that!”
Sure, I judge them. Everyone does. It’s something I try not to do in real life, but when you put yourself and your family on national TV, you’re just begging to be judged.
Last night, however, was the first night that a show such as this brought me to tears. Did anyone else see this episode about the Longairc family? They have three kids, and their kids lacked any respect for anyone.
The mother, though, was the worst. While her husband tried to do his best to discipline the kids, she did most of her parenting from the couch as she stuffed her face. She would bark orders at the kids, taunt and tease them, and put them down. And yet she claimed to be a good mother to them.
The part that brought me to tears was when the 6 yr. old daughter was on the couch with her mom. She asked her mom for a hug, and her mom told her no and to leave her alone. The little girl persisted, and so the mom dragged the girl into her room and punished her. All for asking for a hug! As the little girl cried in her room, her mom yelled to her that she was being a baby.
When you’re sitting on the couch doing nothing, and you refuse your daughter a hug and instead push her away, you’re a bad parent in my book. I wanted to reach through the TV and give that poor little girl a hug myself. So, so sad.
Edit: The worst part of the show was the end, when it was clear that the mom had no intention of changing her ways, because she was so in denial about being a bad parent. She thought she was doing a fine job. I hope the dad and these kids can keep working on things even though she’s so useless.

WOW! I love that show. But, that episode sounds competely heart-wrenching. So sad and horrible.
I’ve never liked reality TV, but I have to admit I’ve watched Nanny 911 from time to time. It actually has some good parenting tips (that I hope to remember when I’m a parent). I also find it midly entertaining because I know a few families that really need to go on the show.
I watch that show too sometimes and its also to convince myself that I’m a good mom-or not a terrible one. sort of the same way you watch talk shows and see people living these crazy unstable lives and it just confirms to you that you’re normal. but yeah, thats pretty sad about the little girl. I didn’t see that episode. but its like, no matter what–when your kid is crying asking for a hug, you just do it.
I quit washing due to the emotions and all the drama, I probably would hae poked my arm through the tv last thinking I could reach that lady….tisk tisk, I hate to judge too but that hugging or no-hugging business is over the top, I agree!
Jerri Ann
[email protected]
I actually had to stop watching because I was finding most of the episodes disturbing in that way. Even when they had ‘happy’ endings, it seemed like the problems were largely fueled by parental neglect and the whole thing like some twisted Kids Gone Wild/Survivor: Child Island reality show.
So now I just stick to America’s Next Top Model, where they’re all already messed up.
A very disturbing episode.
Until now, “Nanny 911” has always had a happy ending. No, it wasn’t realistic, and yes, sometimes it seemed so forced that you wondered whether it was going to last.
Without the happy ending, though, it’s just unbearably sad.
Wow I do not watch it often, but I have never seen an episode where they people were not helped by the Nanny! Wow!
My daughter rarely asks for a hug, since I am hugging her all the time!
I LOVE the show for the same reason. I don’t feel so bad when I see some of the people they get to come on.
Child welfare should so a follow up visit with the Longairc family to make sure that the mother doesn’t get so mad at the kids that she does something more stupid than she did on the show. Adam should either run like heck to get out of there before it’s too late, or take the kids out of there before they are completely screwed up beyond fixing.
I so agree with u, I was hoping as they rolled the ending credits that they interrupt them with an update. I do hope the kids are ok
Although this is outdated, I find it funny that I was the five year old in that episode. Fyi, they told us how to act and gave us like 20 grand, for the people who want a follow up, we’re all doing great.
WOW! How harsh, I can’t believe that people are actually judging other moms, I’m not saying that there aren’t parnets out there that just let there kids do just whatever they choice to do, but I’m here to say one thing until you have a child with ADHD at the age of 4 yrs old like I do its easy to sit and judge someone elses parneting skills. There are somedays I just slid down the wall due to exhaustion chtion trying to find ways to get her to listen and understand that some of the things she does is wrong,disrepectful, hurtful. I feel as if I have tried every displinary action and behavior modification system or idea; that I have come to the point I wonder is there anything that would work for my child. I love my child and try to parnet her the very best way I know how and with consistency. ADHD children are very difficult to handle no matter what parneting style you have.
I have a child with ADHD and a child with anger management problems. Both of my children were removed from homes where they were mistreated and I was lucky enough to adopt them. I take serious offense to any parent that thinks their child is bad or difficult because they have a developmental problem or a learning dissability. Think about what it is like for them. Kids with ADHD need more structure in their lives- and often more love. Not a parent that does not believe in them.
Did anyone else notice a sadistic streak in that mother’s personality? Taunting and teasing her kids. She is sick and needs help. That is not normal behavior.
I just watched this episode again tonight on abc family and it STILL brought me to tears. To think that a mother could treat her the way this mother did is horrible. My kids are not perfect, and they have their days when they misbehave but I myself would NEVER tease, taunt, and keep my child locked in their room for hours on end like this mother did. I broke down when all the daughter did was ask for a hug and the mother pushed her away, sent her to her room and called her a baby.
I myself have bipolar, and even I know to treat my kids with respect! No wonder the kids behave the way they do! To get respect you have to give it!
Did anyone else think the Longairc Mom was a near carbon copy of the Martine Bartlett, the mother in the movie “Sybil”? Creepy. She was completely outsmarted by Nanny Stella, who at first tried to help her come clean, but then let her lie herself silly on national TV. No personality disorder with that mom, she has full blown psychosis.
I don’t think that show is Trash TV. I think it teaches people quit a bit and they have helped out a lot of people.
And I agree, yeah that episode was incredibly sad. That woman is so disgusting. Look at the way she dressed and shows herself. I have a lot more respect for my husband then that. Shes just a fat slob. I feel so sorry for those kids she treats them and her husband horrible.
And those are not all his kids. He is their step father. She should be thankful someone puts up with her frumpy lazy self let alone her kids. Those kids deserve better and so does he.
i just watched the longeraic-green nanny 911 episode and i am heart broken for adam and the kids. i just can not believe how cruel and abusive michell is to her kids. she is so disrespectful to her wonderful husband that i cannot believe he is even with her. she is in total denial its not even funny. she is a sad excuse for a mother(if you can call her that) and wife. i cant believe adam even married her in the first place. it is so clear to everyone that she is lazy and has no love for anyone or anything but maybe the couch and her food. she is so mentally abusive to her kids, and thats on national t.v., can you just imagine how she is everyday when there is no cameras? how can she even show her face out in public? adam needs to leave her and take those poor kids with him before they have perminate mental damage and there lives are destroyed and they turn out to be like her, or worse, ever wonder how serial killers were made? I hope that this show will run this episode over and over and all of the people in america who see her will let her know that they know who she is, maybe she will change her ways for the kids sake, or at least let them go. how such a handsome, kindhearted, hardworking man got with her just floors me! maybe God had him get with her so those kids could experience some kind of love. physical abuse heals, mental abuse never does and shapes a persons entire life. I know that there is thousands of women in america that would love to love adam and those kids. leave her adam, take the kids, she clearly does not love you guys anyways. if she did she would change. maybve if she watched the show and if enough people in her family would talk to her and make her see herself she would change. i hope so for the sake of the kids..they deserve a loving home and a chance in life and it looks like they will never have that with michell, she does not even respect herself much less adam and the kids. God help them
Would you just love to beat this poor excuse for a Mom up? I would!! And I’m not even violent. She was incredibly rude & flat out lied to the Nanny’s face. Her husband is the better parent & he’s a step parent. They are are bratty kids, but it’s on’s obvious why!!! That woman seriously does not deserve to be a mother. May God punish her!!!
ive watched this episode today and to be honest, for me, this mom has a mental issue! all she cares about is eating and eating and eating those foods without caring about their kids. and not to mention, she keeps yelling to those kiddos. i cant imagine how awful she is in real life, with no cameras around. and adam, the step dad, shows more passion and love to the kids which that awful mom never showed to any of em. this is sad, livin a life like she does. such a pain in the ass having a horrible mom like her. i hope things get better by now..
I have no idea why Adam was with Michelle in the first place, she’s a hideous person on the inside and looks like a potato on toothpicks. If he ever finds himself single again, I imagine he’ll manage to find himself someone eons above her in quality. Heck, with the caliber of men that I usually date, I’d go for him in a second, even if it meant promising to burn all of my nerdy paraphernalia–as horrible as that thought is.
As far as Michelle goes as a mom, I don’t know why she was so mean to her little girl to begin with. I’m not a very maternal woman, but I would never, ever treat a child like that, especially such a well-behaved one.
I don’t know why I felt the need to put my 2 cents in, especially this late in the game, but there it is.