I had the beginnings of an intelligent post today, but then I ate a couple of donuts with my lunch, and my brain has turned to mush due to carb overload.
Since coherent thoughts are difficult at the moment, I’ll leave you with this video for today. This is what happens when you flip the viewscreen so a toddler can watch herself on video (the audio seems to be about a second delayed for some reason).
Video Sharing at DropShots.com

She is SO STINKIN CUTE. Those cheeks are so bite-able (I am not a freak, mom-to-mom you know what I mean!)
More, more, more videos. I kinda miss my kiddos being so little 🙂
hehe She is adorable!! That video is awesome!!!
Too cute!!! I love taking short video on my camer and then showing it to my toddler. He is always entranced.
I love this video! Cordy is so cute. But I have to tell you, while I was watching it the Hubby asked if I was watching a video of Bob Dylan as a baby.
Maybe you’ve got an urban poet in the making!
That is SOOOOO cute! I love it! MUCH better than an “intelligent post” lol.
Oooo her and Troll Baby could get into some serious trouble together!
What a beautiful child! You have to have the most precious baby!
LOL!! She is so freaking cute!! Did she know it was herself she was looking at?
Awww, what a cute cat!
Just kidding. Your daughter, again, should be illegal. Kinda makes me wish I was having a girl.
Adorable! I’m not good at toddler speak, so don’t be offended, but was she saying things or just babbling?
Aveline was fascinated with her!
I love the hair!