Lessons Learned Overnight

1. Life is a delicate balance. For every yin, there must be a yang. The yin of a fantabulous day must have a yang of a night filled with screaming and little sleep. That’s what I get for saying how great the day was.

2. Carbon monoxide detectors and menthol vaporizers don’t mix. Did you know that a Vick’s vaporizer with menthol in it could set off a carbon monoxide detector? Yeah, me neither, but it’s true. Of course, the detector was in Cordelia’s room, and we didn’t realize it’s loud enough to wake anyone in a three mile radius.

3. If you have an important thing to do, the night before is bound to be the night that something happens to wake the child. Aaron was trying to catch a little sleep before returning to Cincinnati for more classes, and I had a Very Important final exam this morning. We had used the vaporizer in Cordy’s room many other nights, but the detector waited patiently until last night to express its displeasure with menthol.

4. Rocking to sleep works better for mommy than child. Three attempts at rocking Cordelia to sleep, and three successes at putting mommy to sleep instead.

5. Being right isn’t always good. Earlier in the week, my mom said she thought Cordy’s runny nose and cough was teething. I disagreed and said I was sure it was a cold. Now, I can’t be sure, but unless I’ve suddenly started teething in the past 24 hours, I can say I was right. But I wish I wasn’t.

6. Blog posts really can come to you in the middle of the night. It’s amazing how blog fodder can just fall into your lap, or screech in your ear. I scribbled down these notes during #7.

7. The child will fall asleep long before the adult can. After the hour of battles to get Cordy back to sleep (and my drifting off in the rocking chair), she finally gave in. I crawled into bed, exhausted. But my mind was wide awake. What if it wasn’t the vaporizer? Will I wake up and find my child dead from carbon monoxide poisoning?

So I then had to get up and set up my own test, putting the detector in the bathroom and closing the door, so if the furnace was malfunctioning, it would detect it in the small enclosed space. It never went off, and Cordy woke up fine this morning. I, on the other hand, woke up tired.

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  1. I fall asleep ALL THE TIME when I rock her. And PS they never go to sleep when you have a babysitter coming and you have to be somewhere… *sigh*

  2. Sleeping and kids is the hardest thing…we had a rough night too, yet they always seem to wake up at the same time!

  3. Kristen – Yeah, we’ve had the problem with trying to get her to sleep when we have a babysitter coming so we can watch a movie. Ugh.

    Chelle – Must have been National Wake-Up Night and we didn’t know about it!

  4. glad you have the co2 detector, though. our lives were saved once by one of those!

  5. Wow, that is good to know about the menthol and the CO2 alarm. We have one- and it is actually in the baby’s room- we have a VERY small apartment- so now I know!

    I’m sorry you had to go through that!

  6. I could have written this post. Well, not the carbon monoxide part but all the sleep stuff. Kids never seem fazed or sleep deprived no matter how much they are up at night. Cute photo 🙂

  7. I’ve been struggling with the sleep thing – that crazy adorable kitten pic pretty much sums it up – and have to add that the frustration of having the blog ideas come to you in the middle of a sleepless night is that finding the opportunity to actually post them the following day is a bit of a challenge (yesterday, if I wasn’t tending Baby, I was dozing or staring into space, despite the swirl of blog thoughts.)

    Yesterday’s jazz pics of Cordy were awesome cute, BTW!!