Scene: Our house, 7:30pm. That 70’s Show has just ended on FX. Aaron and I are busy getting things ready to put Cordy to bed. The movie 28 Days Later is starting on FX.
Me: Hmmm, we should probably change the channel now.
Aaron: Yeah, we should. While I have no problem with Cordy following her daddy’s love of zombies, it’s a little too soon, I think.
Me: (changing the channel) Hey, look! Queen of the Damned is on SciFi.
Aaron: Because that’s clearly so much better for her.
Me: Awww, it’s fine. They’re not at the end of the movie, so there’s nothing gory on the screen. They’re just talking.
(Cordy walks up to the TV and watches)
Me: See? She likes it. (speaking to Cordy) These are vampires, sweetie. Modern vampires are very pretty. And that’s Stuart Townsend. We like Stuart Townsend. Can you say “yum”?
Aaron: Why do I have the feeling that someday we’ll be fighting over which type of undead Cordy finds cooler?
End scene. Please don’t call CPS on us.

Um. I just can’t stop looking at his nipple.
And it looks really great!
Love the new look – heading over to Blog Makeover Diva RIGHT NOW.
Okay, after I say that Baby has been learning how to triangulate transceiver signals from last season’s episodes of Lost (running on a constant DVD loop in our household…)
LOL- I was eyeing up the nippleage myself. LOL.
That scene sounds like something out of our living room, lol- except in our scene I’m trying to convince my boyfriend not to touch my boob in front of our 11 month old lol.
LOL! We try to monitor the tv, but you know it happens! lol great nipple!
The nipple is pretty hard to miss, isn’t it? LOL!
Kristen – Oh, we’ve played out that scene as well! I’ve had to explain to my husband that if the baby’s in the room, nothing he can do will turn me on, and in fact I will be weirded out if he grabs my boob.
Is he the first man in history to be able to breastfeed, do you think? It’s entirely possible …
Hey, just sit her down in front of “The Lost Boys” and you’re gonna win her over to the vamp side.
I don’t find Stuart Townsend sexy in real life, but as a Vampire? Tasty!
Why are Modern Vampires so damn hot? Stuart Townsend, Brad Pitt, *ahem* Tom Cruise (it pained me to say that)…I don’t remember Bella Lugosi looking that good.
Thanks….NOW I see the nipple. Men’s nipples freak me out. Ick.
We sometimes catch Aveline watching wholly inappropriate programming occasionally as well. The doink doink of Law and Order still swings her head around at warp speed.
MrsFortune – Oh, Lost Boys. I loved Lost Boys! That was the first time I thought vampires were cool, I think. Well, maybe it was the book Bunnicula – I can’t remember. 😉
Mrs.Chicky – Yeah, Lugosi just wasn’t it. The new vampires, with their long wavy hair and smokey eyes – much better.
stuart townsend is really hot!!!! yum!
Love your new look!!!!
mrs. chicky,
Lugosi is actually where the sexy vampire in film and television started. Vampires used to be icky, gross creatures, much more like we think of zombies today.
Dracula, and to a lesser extent, Carmilla, is where things started to change.
Besides, Lugosi made up for a lack of appearance with that voice.
I LOVED 28 days later. I’m totally with Aaron on this one, those undead are so much less foppish.
His tits are bigger than mine, so upset.
Karen – No offense at all! While we actually are fans of Buffy and Angel, we seriously didn’t name her after Cordelia Chase.
We joke with people that if we have another daughter we’ll name her Drucilla (the really amusing part is that my great-great-great grandmother was named Drucilla).
my 5 yr old was walking around the backyard with a shovel pretending he was a zombie this weekend. I credit that to his brothers showing him Shaun of the Dead and Night of the Living Dead Friday while they baby sat. oh well, it was worth the night out. and better than the time they let him watch Pulp Fiction.
I just realized- Her name is Cordy? you should probably start her on Buffy & Angel… (I hope not to offend)
You know what Buffy and Angel lacked?
Good zombies.
I’m just sayin’…
My hubby does the same thing with our little girl. He doesn’t care if she’s in the room and he’s watching a scary movie. He says she doesn’t understand. She’s turning 3 in June, she understands dumbass!!