I realize most of you probably don’t want to hear more about my cat, but well, it’s currently on my mind.
Good news: the surgery is over with. Marlowe is recovering well. He’s groggy, and will be able to come home tomorrow afternoon.
Bad news: The vet wasn’t fully successful. The testicle that descended was removed, but she wasn’t able to find the other one. The other two vets in the practice even scrubbed in and tried to find it. It’s missing.
They also did a second abdominal incision to look for it in the area between his leg and abdomen (it can sometimes migrate there), but no luck. Which could spark the beginning of a joke – how many vets does it take to find a cat testicle?
I’d find this amusing if it wasn’t putting my kitty in more pain from incisions. Plus, testicles that remain in the body often turn cancerous. Not a good thing.
There’s a chance he never developed the second one. At this point, our plan is to let him heal, and then do a blood test in a few months to see if he has any testosterone. If he does, it’s back to more exploratory surgery.
At least we took him to the best – the clinic is for cats only, and all three vets there are board certified cat specialists. They really are the best (and sadly, the most expensive) clinic in town for cats.
Our other Siamese, Dante, misses him and has been needy all day. Hopefully Dante will let me sleep tonight.
Thanks to all for thinking about my little Marlowe. I’m crossing my fingers that his second testicle never developed and we can avoid more surgery.

I’m crossing my fingers and arms and legs and toes for your kitty. Hope all turns out well 🙂
Wow, I have never even heard of that! And I’ve worked with animal rescue for a while. I really hope all is okay for your feline friend.
awww I hope your kitty is ok!
I wonder how common this is? I also have a cat who only had one testicle drop, but fortunately, in his case, the shy one was easily found and removed. I hope this all turns out well in the end for him.
Thanks, everyone. He’s home now, and while he’s pretty uncomfortable, he’ll be fine. All day long he’s been either on the couch or under the comforter on our bed. He should feel better tomorrow.
oh poor puddy cat! Hope your spoiling him…
Oh., poot kitty!! Hope he is back to feeling 100% soon.