AMS Store Now Open!

I caved yesterday and got my own CafePress store. I’m not all that graphically inclined, but I had a few ideas for some shirts, and so I threw a few images together and asked my expert panel (my husband, a few friends) what they thought of them. They liked them, so the store is now open. Besides, if I make a few bucks, maybe I can get to BlogHer this year.

I wanted a shirt that really covered all of who I am, as well as many other mommy (mom, mama, whatever) bloggers out there. If people like the design, I’ll come up with variations and ones for dads as well.

Plus I finally put one of my nicknames for my daughter on a toddler shirt. It’s appropriate for many of our kids, I think.

So, please go check out my store and tell me what you think!

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  1. Very good and you are SO graphically inclined!

  2. They look awesome!

  3. I love them! I wish I’d thought of that first! You done good, girl 🙂

  4. Oh I wish there was an aussie version of this!! WAY COOL

  5. Love it!!