It was a valiant fight for both sides, but the end has come. The germs have won the battle. I am sick.
The battle began last week when I started to feel a little sniffly. I took some (great stuff, folks) and it appeared to be the cavalry I needed to push back the germs. However, I got careless over the weekend, and didn’t keep taking the Emer’gen-C. The germs brought in reinforcements, with germ tanks and germ stealth bombers. Yesterday all was lost, and I succumbed to a horrible cold. The white flag is flying over my sinuses.
I should really count myself lucky. This year is nothing like Plague Fest, Winter 2005. This is my first cold since July, and other than one small stomach bug, my first illness of any kind since July.
Last year at this time, everyone in the house was sick. That’s the beauty of daycare – Cordy was 3 months old and started daycare at the beginning of January 2005. Exactly 10 days later, a perfect incubation period, all three of us came down with nasty, mucus-pumping colds. Just as we recovered from the colds, we were hit with a stomach flu. A week after that, more colds for everyone! Get the point? OK, I’ll stop listing each illness, although they are all detailed in her baby book.
Cordy served well as a plague-bearer, bringing home the virus of the week from the daycare to us. She learned sharing at such a young age, as she shared her illnesses with Aaron and I. To make a long story short slightly less long, there was a cold or stomach ick or ear infection affecting at least one of us from January to July 2005. You might think I’m exaggerating here, but alas, I’m not. It was one neverending sickness.
While I will give credit to the daycare for their efforts to keep everything sanitized, I will say that it is nearly impossible to keep a daycare germ-free. We took Cordy out of daycare in August, when my part-time work schedule stabilized. Since then, all three of us have been healthier.
However, it’s been so long since I had a cold, that I forgot how miserable it is. I feel ever so terribly not well.

I’ve been a “lurker” for a few months now and really have enjoyed ready about your “adventures” in motherhood. I am a mother a 5month old who is daycare and we’ve had a constant cough in our house for atleast 3months if not longer. I keep telling myself that’s it building up her immune system. You’re little one is so adorable, she cracks me up.
Oh…so sorry about the perpetual sickness. I tried the Zaicam stuff the last time my family had the plague. It worked pretty well…I never got as sick as Aveline and Dan.
We don’t need daycare to bring bugs home. We both work in uber public places. I serve at a restaurant a few nights a week and Dan manages a huge grocery store. Talk about germs!
Colds suck.
I hope you get better soon!