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Not So Boring Day

Note to self: Never claim it’s a boring day when the day isn’t over yet. Never. Fate has a strange way of making you eat your words.

Case in point:

3:48 pm yesterday – Posted about my boring day

5:45 pm – Aaron, Cordy and I are having fun playing together. Cordelia is holding a metal cat food dish (don’t ask). All in one swift motion, she drops the dish and proceeds to lose her balance and fall in such a way so that her face hits the edge of the dish, full-force. She now has a nasty, red lump just outside her left eye. I’m relieved it missed her eye, but that didn’t stop the mommy guilt from making an appearance, since I was right there when it happened.

10:50-11:50 pm – We hear Cordy over the monitor. She’s awake, but strangely she’s not crying, as she normally would be when awake in the dark. She’s talking and laughing and having a conversation with – her stuffed animals? the blanket? a ghost? Amazingly she did this for an hour. Close to midnight, I decided this was far too weird for me, so I went upstairs to check on her. She was still cheery, although when I picked her up I noticed she was very warm. Feverish, even. So, a dose of Motrin and some rocking, and then she went back to bed, with only a little fuss.

5:15am – I wake up to the sound of a cat yarfing, which is probably one of the worst ways to be jolted awake. It’s close by. In fact, it’s on the bed, on me. Our cat Dante not only threw up all over the comforter, but his little cat buddy Marlowe got hit as well. Marlowe, a little surprised to wake up in vomit, raced off the bed, taking care to run across my bare back and leave a little bit of partially digested cat food for me on my shoulder. I jump up to see if Dante is OK, and put my hand right into the mess on the comforter, and my foot into the little bit that hit the floor. Lovely.

My lesson has been learned. I will never say my day is boring until the day is completely over. Ever.


Christina is a married mom of two daughters from Columbus, Ohio, and has been blogging at A Mommy Story since 2005.

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