I had enough TV to watch each week. I didn’t need another show to be hopelessly addicted to.
House M.D. on Fox has me hooked, though. After hearing so much about it from people we knew, Aaron and I watched an episode about a month ago. And now? Now I’m driving past cops at 75 mph so that I won’t miss much of tonight’s episode. I need help.
We had seriously cut back on TV when Cordy was born, mostly because we never had time to follow any storyline with a colicky baby. Slowly, I’ve allowed myself to form relationships with TV characters. I came back to Smallville after the strange and whacked-out season last year. I’ve had an on-again, off-again love with ER: it’s evolved into a take-it-or-leave-it relationship, where I can watch an episode out of sequence and be content if I miss the next one. I’ve finished the entire Sex and the City series, and feel no need to return to it, although I had a fabulous time with our hours together. American Idol has been here all along, too, hiding in the shadows as my deep dark secret. I love it, but I feel dirty for loving it.
Then along came Bones, a new show about a forensic anthropologist. Bet you never knew that forensic anthropologist was one of my chosen careers as a child, did you? Yep, right up there with marine biologist and astronaut. Bones is by far one of the best written shows on TV right now. Not only is there interesting science (no lowest common denominator here!), but the characters are complex and the banter is witty.
And now it’s House, a TV show about an egotistical doctor who has the worst bedside manner ever seen. He’s such a despicable character – why do I like him? I also have no idea what’s going on at times, because we started watching somewhere in the middle of season 2, and we have never seen season 1. What happened to his leg? What happened between him and the psychiatrist?
I really didn’t need another TV series. Now I’m even lusting after a Tivo, to make sure I never miss my favorite shows. Will it ever end? Am I a horrible person for spending so much time each week with my boob tube?
Fess up, people. What shows do you have a personal relationship with? And are they healthy relationships or are they spiraling out of control? Could you walk away if you had to?

I really don’t watch anything regularly anymore (I can’t believe I’m saying that) – although I enjoy watching SatC on TBS – regardless of how many times I’ve seen them.
I’m now focusing my addiction towards blogging.
Come to the dark side and get a Tivo. C’mon, you know you want to.
Unfortunately, the television plays an important part in my day. I keep it on for “company” when the Child is napping. Recently I’ve been hooked on reruns of “Project Runway”. Its so catty. I love it!
Oh, my….yes I have a few mild addictions and a few out right obsessions. Its no secret that Lost is one of my full fledged obsessions, and right after Lost on Wednesday nights is Invasion which is also now a show I cannot live without. And Grey’s Anatomy also is a show that aparently requires a 12-step program to quit…
The shows I love, but know I won’t die without…ER(like you I waver here, sometimes in love, sometimes don’t care), Crumbs is a good new show…Oh Lordy…I could go on forever…LOL
One show I hide in my bedroom late at night to watch(when its airing, which it isn’t right now) is Nip/Tuck…ok, so it can be a bit racy, and sometimes has some not-so-pretty plastic surgery shots, and sometimes the main characters try to make you hate them…but its worth it all for the chance to oogle actor Julian McMohon(“Dr. Christian Troy”)…lol
(sorry you asked now?)
Where to start? Lately it’s been ER, Alias, 24 and Prison Break. But I’m a boxset freak – I have all of Friends, Buffy, Angel, Smallville, My So-Called Life, Roswell, Dawson’s Creek, Felicity, The Simpsons, The X-Files. They should have some sort of helpgroup for this!
My husband and I drop everything to watch House, too (or at least religiously tape it). We’re enjoying Bones as well, but the gaps in the airing of new episodes gives me the feeling it might be on the chopping block for cancellation
Good Eats. Alton is a god among cooking and science geeks. This is one of the few shows I make a real effort to watch.
I’m also fighting a loosing battle with SG-1 addiction. There must be a 12-step available.
The only series I am really addicted to is Smallville. My husband watches Lost. I have watched the first half of the pilot and so far was not impressed, but may make another effort since it is fun to relax together in front of the boob tube for a while.
But here’s the thing. We don’t get cable, don’t even have an antenna hooked up. I have been a TV addict since childhood and have found that the only thing that works for me is to limit incoming content. Plus we both HATE commercials. So he buys his Lost episodes through iTunes and we get Smallville through BitTorrent and we subscribe to Netflix. And we read blogs and listen to podcasts.
Get TiVo. It is so worth it! Especially with a child. The ability to have a Sesame Street playing within seconds at ANY time of day is worth the monthly fee alone. That and my dh and I can enjoy programs together when he gets off work in the morning.
I am an addict. Let’s see. Lost is my fave right now. Law and Order anything also, although, I am starting to run out of ones I haven’t seen. Grey’s Anatomy, CSI, Criminal Minds, Deadwood, Scrubs, The Office, My Name is Earl. Ok….I have no life. I think you would like Medium too. Monday’s on NBC. My mother got my husband and I hooked on Veronica Mars on UPN. It has got great writing and characters.
The shows with which I have an especially unhealthy relationshiup are the ones that are dead. lol I was just trying to be funny. I acutally mean the ones tha are no longer on. And it’s unhealthy because to pine away for “Thirtysomething” and “My So-Called Life” It’s just not normal.
God, I really mangled that post. I got this new keyboard and for some reason, I make tons of typos now. Grrr…. I’m looking like a moron all over the internet lately.