There is nothing quite so funny as watching a toddler learn to jump. Cordelia wants to jump. Really, really, wants to jump. She sees other kids jumping up and down at play areas, on TV, everywhere. Several times a day she puts all of her energy and concentration into practicing this skill.
Here’s the show I get each day (this entire sequence is only a few seconds):
Cordy stands, feet slightly apart. The look of pure concentration is visible.
Crouches down in preparation.
Pops up quickly, with all the power she can muster in her little legs.
Doesn’t get air, but her heels come off the floor.
Now on her toes only, she tips forward.
Loses balance, overcompensates the other way, falls backwards on her butt.
Stands up.
Lather, rinse, repeat.
You’ve got to appreciate her determination. She doesn’t understand why she can’t get off the floor, but that doesn’t stop her from trying.
Who needs TV? I’ve got all the entertainment I can handle.

Aw, that is adorable! Vivian tries to jump sometimes, too–she STILL can’t get it, at almost 20 months. I think my visions of Olympic Gold at the Summer 2019 Games is shot.
Sounds EXACTLY like what my daughter is doing. She throws her arms up as well and it looks like a new dance of some kind. VERY CUTE, though.
LOL! Ahh…I remember the days of learning to jump!