I write about Cordy most of the time here. Well, now you all get to find out a little more about me! Aren’t you so lucky!
Four Jobs I’ve Had:
1. Retail clerk for a Champion-Hanes outlet store, where the work uniform was sweat pants and t-shirts or sweatshirts (that they paid for). Yeah, at 16, it was a pretty awesome job.
2. Retail clerk for a Motherhood Maternity outlet store. OK, so the only jobs in my small town were 10 minutes outside of town at the giant outlet mall. I worked there long before I even thought of wanting children of my own. And thanks to some of the women who walked in there, I was totally sure I was not ready for kids yet.
3. Daycare worker for an expensive daycare. Me, one other teacher, and 16 two-and-a-half year-olds, all in various stages of potty-training. Can you understand why I only did this job for 5 months?
4. Performer for the Ohio Renaissance Festival. I did this one on the weekends for 10 years. I was one of the women wearing the 30 pound velvet Elizabethan court costumes, complete with historically accurate corset. Loves: everyone wanted my picture (I was an Elizabethan rock-star, baby!), met my husband there. Hates: Wearing those outfits on a 90 degree day royally sucked, trying to use a port-a-potty in a hoop-skirt and corset was impossible. Want a good diet? Wear a corset – with nowhere to expand, your stomach can’t hold much food.
Four Movies I Can Watch Over and Over (in no particular order):
1. Moulin Rouge
2. The Princess Bride
3. Pirates of the Caribbean
4. Pride & Prejudice (the Colin Firth, 6-hour BBC version)
It’s very tough to pick just four movies. There are several more I could watch over and over as well.
Four Places I Have Lived:
1. Washington Court House, OH – my hometown. No movie theater, a K-Mart, several fast food joints, and that was about it. Is it any wonder there were so many teen pregnancies? There was nothing to do but have sex!
2. Oxford, OH, while going to school at Miami University. Great little college town. It’s a shame it’s so damn hard to get there.
3. Richmond College dorms, right down the street from Kensington Palace in London, England.
4. Columbus, OH
Four TV Shows I Love:
1. “Bones“
2. “House“
3. “Ghost Hunters“
4. “Supernanny” (my guilty pleasure)
Four Places I’ve Vacationed:
1. Walt Disney World
2. St. Petersburg, FL
3. Inverness, Scotland
4. New York, NY
Four of My Favorite Dishes:
1. Cajun shrimp pasta
2. Chicken tikka masala
3. Szechuan shrimp & vegetables
4. Bison burger, medium rare
Four Sites I Visit Daily:
1. Blogging Baby
2. e-Bay (it’s an addictive habit, I tell ya)
3. Columbus State Community College Website
4. Yahoo News
Four Places I Would Rather Be Right Now:
1. Home in bed asleep with no one else there
2. With my daughter and husband
3. Someplace warm and sunny
4. On a trip to the British Isles
Four People I’m Tagging:
Since most of the Internet World has already done this, I’m not posting a list. If you read this and haven’t done it yet, then consider yourself tagged.

Ok, the colin firth P&P is my all time fav. Could watch it over and over and over and over.
I drove through Oxford Ohio late one night and I thought it was beautiful; so many brick buildings. unfortunately there was some kind of drunken rioting going on around a bunch of bars downtown, if I remember correctly. It was very surreal.
So you probably went to Miami Trace. Ha! I went to college with so many kids from Miami Trace.
Ghost Hunters is my secret pleasure too. My dh rolls his eyes at me. I love it!
Bones and House are great too!
I would love to see a picture of your Renaissance days!
Hi! I lived in Washington Court House for 3 years. I am 17 years old and have a 9 month old son! Nothing else to do! And I also am completly addicted to ebay.
Dutch – I’m pretty sure the night you drove through Oxford was right before I graduated. We had “happy” riots there in 1998 to celebrate finals week.
Kristi – No, not Miami Trace! They were our rivals. I went to Washington Senior High – the Blue Lions!