After reading Wood’s post at Sweet Juniper, I was inspired to create a log of one day’s events. Here is an idea of a typical day for Cordelia and I on my days off. This was yesterday:
6:45 am – Aaron gets up, I barely notice as I roll over.
7:15 am – Cordy wakes up, starts talking in her crib. I fall back asleep.
7:40 am – Aaron fetches Cordy from her crib once she reaches the complaining stage. I again fall back asleep.
8:25 am – I wake up to a toddler in my face saying “Hi!” in her most cheery voice, as her daddy holds her over me. Get up, get dressed, go downstairs.
8:45am – Aaron leaves for work, as Cordy ignores his pleas for her to say “bye” to him. As soon as he closes the door and is gone, she turns to the door and says “Die die!” and waves.
9:00 am – I eat my morning bagel while sharing a quarter of it with Cordy, who already ate breakfast. Apparently it’s in the baby contract that the child is entitled to one quarter of all of my food. Wiggles are on TV, all is good with the world.
9:15 am – Finish eating, jump up and dance to Wiggle Groove, sending Cordy into waves of laughter.
9:30-10:30 am – Play with Cordy, attempt to pick up the disaster she leaves behind in each area of the living room.
10:30-11:15 am – Cordy plays by herself, I get some internet time. I am amused watching her attempt to jump, and blog about what I’m watching. Call friend Lisa and make plans for later in the day, if her son takes an early nap.
11:15 am – Cordy falls backwards and hits her head. Spend 10 minutes comforting her on her nth head injury of the week. Offer a banana – food serves as the perfect distraction.
11:30 am – Hear a loud chainsaw out back, followed by a loud noise out front. Look out back door and see that a tree is being cut down behind our next door neighbors. Look out front door to see giant chipper machine out front, turning branches into mulch. Say a little prayer that they aren’t here too long.
11:45-11:50 am – Chase the child around the downstairs (it’s a circular floor plan) for 4 laps before catching her to wipe her snotty nose. Decide to go ahead and change diaper while I have her pinned down.
12:00 pm – Pull up information on the internet for the vet to make an appt. for our kitten. Find number, but forget to call because I must jump up to prevent Cordy from grabbing my mostly full can of Diet Coke.
12:30 pm – First nap attempt. 6oz. of warm milk used to entice Cordy to fall asleep. Routine goes off without a hitch. Lay her down, close door, head back downstairs. As I hit the bottom step, I hear her give a big “Aiiii!” over the monitor. She then proceeds to talk happily to herself.
12:45 pm – Happy talk turning to whining. Chipper machine still loud and annoying. Secretly cursing the tree cutters.
12:50 pm – Nap aborted. Bring her back downstairs, make lunch. Play peek-a-boo with dishtowels.
1:10 pm – Cordy eats a PB&J sandwich while watching Wiggles. I eat the crusts of the bread.
1:25 pm – Do another 3 laps around the downstairs before tackling the child for another nose wipe. Tickle match ensues.
1:45 pm – Nap attempt #2. Crying begins right away when placed in crib. Chipper and chainsaws still going strong.
2:00 pm – Nap aborted. Bring her back downstairs.
2:00-2:30 pm – Watch Dora and laugh at the dumb king in the episode. Wonder who writes this stuff.
2:30 pm – After some serious eye-rubbing, put Cordy down for nap attempt #3. Chipper and chainsaw still going. Thoughts of throwing the workers into the chipper go through my mind. Cordy talks in her crib.
2:45 pm – All is quiet in Cordy’s room. Check e-mail, make PB&J for myself and eat it. Look forward to an hour or so relaxing.
3:15 pm – Just as I’m planning a trip to the bathroom, Cordy awakes with loud screaming. I’m certain the chipper woke her up. Now contemplate asking my senator to pass a law preventing loud noise during nap times. Bring Cordy downstairs.
3:20 pm – Use the bathroom with a grumpy toddler audience.
3:30 pm – Call friend Lisa to find out if her son is awake so we can go out together. Find out he took a late nap and just went to sleep. Damn. Guess I’m on my own.
3:40 pm – Change Cordy’s diaper. Begin chase around downstairs to put Cordy’s shoes and coat on. Pack diaper bag.
3:50 pm – Wrestle unwilling toddler into car seat. Leave for north end of Columbus.
4:20-4:45 pm – Stop at my office to take care of an issue for a student. Find out once there that it’s already taken care of. Cordy shows off for coworkers. Attempt to talk to one coworker about a complaint she made against me (to my supervisor without coming to me first), but Cordy melts down before I can begin the conversation. I decide it’ll have to wait for another day and leave.
4:45 pm – Drive to mall to get new shoes for Cordy.
5:00-5:30 pm – Chase Cordy around Stride Rite to try shoes on her. I discover that she is now wearing a size 5.5 double wide. Try not to think of the jokes that could be made of having double wide feet. Out of 8 pairs of shoes, only one pair fits her. (she has tall feet as well)
5:30 pm – Dash to the door to prevent Cordy from going outside with other people. Purchase only pair of shoes that fits her.
5:35-6:00 pm – Drive home, and get KFC on the way home.
6:00 pm – Get home, feed Cordy.
6:15 pm – Aaron arrives home.
6:15-6:45 pm – Aaron and I play with Cordy.
6:45 pm – Dress Cordy for bed, Aaron does nighttime ritual, Cordy goes to sleep with no problems. Chipper is gone, finally.
7:00-8:30 pm – Internet time for both of us. I eat some chocolate from Valentine’s Day.
8:30-11:00 pm – Knit. Aaron plays his online game with friends. Relax. Gather up trash
11:00pm-12:00 am – Watch Smallville.
12:00 am – Aaron and I go to bed, exhausted. We consider having sex, but decide that sleep sounds more appealing at the moment. There’s a storm coming through, and I cross my fingers and hope Cordy doesn’t wake up in the night.

Seriously–no one should be allowed to do anything to their homes until kid naptime is cleared.
wow, busy schedule…quite impressive if you ask me.
I was exhausted just reading it! I remember those days when everything revolved around naptime and an outing took longer to prepare for than the outing itself…Here’s hoping the damn tree chipper aint around tomorrow!