OK everyone, it’s De-Lurking Week in the Blogosphere! Maybe you’ve wanted to post a “Hi!” and never had the time. Maybe you’re just shy. Maybe it’s your first time here.
Regardless, here’s your chance to come out of Lurkdom and make your mark!
To keep it interesting, I’d like to ask you to do just a little more than say hi. Tell me something about yourself. Or tell me why you like reading my blog. Or tell me what you’d like to see on my blog. Or, hell, even tell me what you don’t like about this blog. Just some feedback so I know just who is passing through. I promise, it’ll be painless, at least to you.
So take a chance and give me a little comment, OK? Show me I’m not just talking to myself and a very few others.
Don’t make me have to double my antidepressants.

Hello! Hello! I’m here. I peek in when I can. Your daughter is a cutie. PLease back away from the meds. 😉
Hi! I’m trying to catch up after the Plague 2 hit our house. I love, love, love your blog. I’ve even confessed this to my dh. Keep up the great work!
Hi! This is actually my first time here, so I’m not a lurker, but I will continue to read your blog. Reading your last entry made me feel so much better. I also had to have a C-section, wait hours to breastfeed, and then I eventually had to stop breastfeeding when there were too many complications. It’s nice to know there are others out there who have been through the same things I have!
Heh. I like the idea of a de-lurking week. Maybe I’ll borrow it –with proper attribution, of course.
I’m a daddy with a hybrid-blog — part daddyblogging, part just personal stuff, part mediawatch and pedagogy. The mommyhood stuff hits me right…here, though. And I’m the only one left with the plague, unfairly. Recipro-visit, eh?
I’m also a first-timer, brought in via BlogExplosion. I, too, hope to return, though.
Being a parent is hard work – the last thing we need is patronising, the first thing we need is gin! You are so right – there is no definitive right way to do this – the little angels don’t come with instructions – we muddle through. Keep at it!
Hi there! I found your blog for the first time tonight while surfing BlogExplosion. I’m a mom to two little girls ages 6 and 4. I love your blog and am adding its link to mine, if that’s ok. Take care and have a great rest of the week. 🙂
~ Susan
Hi, I dropped by yesterday and commented on your previous entry. Managed to surf my way back here through BE an thought i’d “delurk” myself as I usually do.
Hi my name is Kelly and i’m a serial Lurker!!!
Still enjoying your site.
Ok, so I don’t have kids, I just give them their shots. 😉 I do like catching up on Cordy’s antics though. 🙂
I can’t believe I forgot to delurk here already. It’s not very easy to lurk though when you’re a verbose opinionated punk like me.
Hey, I have only been reading your blog for a couple of weeeks but it is most enjoyable. Hooray for bloglines keeping me updated.
Hope the nursing thing works out for you.