State of Affairs

Scene: The living room, last night

Me: Well, after an hour of crunching numbers, I’m done balancing the checkbook.

Aaron: (not looking up from his computer) And?

Me: I’ve determined we eat out too much, and it’s killing our budget.

Aaron: We knew that. So, how is our financial situation at the moment?

Me: Currently? Our 14 month old daughter has more money in her account than we do.


Aaron: (still not looking up from his computer) Hmmm…guess she’s buying the Christmas gifts this year, eh?

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  1. I SO feel your pain. I feel like my kids have more in their piggybanks than I do!

  2. Wow….it is like you are spying on my life!

    Your daughter is beautiful! And you, my dear, have quite a writing talent!

    We used to live in Columbus. Sigh. We now live in Middletown. I long to go back to C-bus.

    I taught ag ed at a high school northeast of Columbus. My principal was evil and corrupt. That fact coupled with my husband’s promotion pushed us to lovely southwest Ohio. Yeah.

  3. Kristi – I drive past Middletown all the time! My husband and I both are Miami U graduates, and we have several friends who still live in Oxford. We drive down to see them about once a month (they have two kids, we have one – therefore, we drive to see them more often then they drive to see us).

    Maybe someday you’ll find another job in Columbus again.

  4. I’ve had that exact conversation before. 🙂