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Mom’s New Diet!

After years of trying to lose weight, I learn that I’ve been doing it all wrong! According to this article, researchers are finding that people who drink moderately (that’s only 1-2 drinks a day for you boozers out there) have a lower risk of obesity than those who drink heavily or don’t drink at all. I’ve been doing it all wrong – I should be drinking more, not less!

It all makes sense to me. Think of the French. Lovely people, and my God they’re thin! What do they do everyday? They drink a glass of wine with their meals! If a glass of wine can take on a French pastry and win, that’s enough proof for me. Also, the Italians are another perfect example: a little alcohol keeps the pasta pounds at bay.

Of course, the study researchers say that the findings don’t prove that overweight people should take up drinking to lose weight. I say that’s just what the government is making them say to keep people from being regular drinkers. It also covers their asses, so people don’t drink and do something stupid and sue them. Besides, I’ve given diets with far less plausible evidence of success a try (“Eat all the high-fat food you want and lose weight!”), why not this one? And it’s not like they’re telling people to go out and get smashed; one to two drinks a day (consider a drink is 4oz. or 1 shot) is not a lot.

So, if you’ll excuse me, mommy needs a glass of wine right now.


Christina is a married mom of two daughters from Columbus, Ohio, and has been blogging at A Mommy Story since 2005.

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