Haiku Friday: More Changes From The Warrior Princess

Drawing a picture
Look, mommy! A happy face!

Why yes it is, dear!

A giant Miffy –
No, no! His name is Sammy!
He’s her new best friend.

Kissing Miffy Sammy goodnight

In the past week, Cordy has suddenly been leaping forward in progress. The hugs for Mira have continued, although she’s also taking toys away from Mira, too. But two new developments have me giddy and beaming like I’ve got the next Einstein for a daughter.

First, the “happy face” drawn on her knock-off magna-doodle is the first time she’s ever drawn anything other than scribbles. Cordy sat down, announced she was drawing a happy face, and then talked us through the steps involved as she did it: “Draw a face, then an eye, then another eye, then a smile!” I’d like to take the credit for teaching her that, but the truth is all praise goes to Yo Gabba Gabba, where she saw the face drawn the first time.

Second, you may remember the Miffy contest I had last month. Not only did I give away a Miffy, but I got one, too. (Thanks, Mir & Ty’s!) Miffy arrived earlier this week in a huge box, because this is a gigantic bunny. I told Cordy the box was a present for her, and we opened it together. She pulled out this mammoth stuffed animal with glee, amazed at the size but not quite sure what it was.

“That’s Miffy. She’s a bunny,” I explained.

She gave the bunny a long, hard look. “No, this is Sammy!” she corrected me.

Wha? My child is now naming her stuffed animals? And where did the name Sammy come from? Not only has she named him, but he now follows her around the house. He sleeps in her bed at night, and I must tuck him in with her.

In the morning, we must carry Sammy downstairs for her. (She can’t carry him or she’d fall down the stairs.) When I ask her what she wants for lunch, she tells me she wants a sandwich, and oh, Sammy wants a sandwich, too. Occasionally in the afternoon she’ll tug Sammy onto the couch and tuck him in for a nap.

It’s adorable, and like nothing I’ve ever seen before from her. It’s so exciting to see her drawing and engaging in imaginative play, something she had no concept of six months ago. Part of me hopes these rapid changes continue, while the other part of me wants her to slow down just a little, so I can savor these new advances.

To play along for Haiku Friday, follow these steps:

1. Write your own haiku on your blog. You can do one or many, all following a theme or just random. What’s a haiku, you ask? Click here.

2. Sign the Mister Linky below or at Jennifer’s blog with your name and the link to your haiku post (the specific post URL, not your generic blog URL). If you need help with this, contact Jennifer or myself.

3. Pick up a Haiku Friday button to display on the post or in your sidebar by clicking the button above.

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  1. cute haiku! have a great day!!!!

  2. yay cordy!

    good ‘ku…

  3. Doodle Pros are the best gift EVAH.

  4. Ah milestones and the memories create … very sweet!
    Hugs and blessings,

  5. Wow — she’s adorable.

  6. How sweet. Every new thing learned is precious beyond compare. Well, perhaps not the addition of “poop” to the vocabulary. It never goes away.

  7. Ok, I’m an idiot and linked last weeks Haiku. Can you delete that one, pretty please. I corrected it in the next entry.

  8. Yay for Cordy! That’s awesome.

  9. Yay for Cordy! And aren’t you glad you’re blogging about it?
    I look back on old family pictures and just estimate how old the kids were. Memories come back, but wouldn’t it be great to actually read what happened at that point in time?

    Just another great thing about blogging. 🙂

  10. My third one is up.

    With VERY explicit lyrics.

    Happy Friday!

  11. Sammy is spiffy! Cordy’s is adorable. It’s wonderful to watch and listen to them come up with greatness.

  12. Cute haiku!

  13. Awesome to hear about leaps forward.

  14. That is great news!

  15. What an artist!

    I keep asking Bee what all of her ‘babies’ names are, hoping she’ll come up with something that’ll make me laugh (yes I expect my kids to entertain me), but so far she doesn’t compute, or she gives them all the same name as her baby sister (which makes sense, so really, I should back off).

  16. Love the haiku and the giant Miffy, erm Sammy, is awesome! I decided to take a stab at it this week.

  17. Sarcastic Mom (aka Lotus) says

    Oh, how wonderful, the progress! That’s on great happy face, Momma. 🙂

  18. Mrs. Chicken says

    The Poo also spontaneously drew faces this week. I know exactly what you mean – it was totally exciting and cool.

    Go, Cordy!

  19. Was she drawing Sammy?? Looks like a rendering…

  20. motherbumper says

    The happy face drawing is perfect and Miffy, I mean Sammy is super cool. Somehow I always imagined Miffy being more… uh… bunny sized. Just how big are the bunnies in Holland?

  21. Having a friend, even if stuffed, is a big deal. Hooray for Sammy for coming into your lives, and for not being named something literal like Bunny. Big steps, indeed!

  22. Yeay Cordy. Congrats on all of those new feats!

  23. Dana J. Tuszke says

    Sounds like Cordy is doing wonderfully. I’m so glad to hear about her progress!

  24. your kids rock

  25. Alex Elliot says

    That’s great! The stuffed animals in our house have real creative names like Brown Puppy of Grey Dolphin.

  26. TIV: the individual voice says

    Several Haiku on my new poetry blog. One today has four parts and is called Mammogram